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Results for "keyword: "global warming""
The Great Awakening Charts the spiritual revival and zeal for social change and justice in America that has been sparked by some unusual religious coalitions.
The Better World Handbook Resources and plans of action for individuals and groups working for positive social change.
Globalization, Spirituality, and Justice Daniel G. Groody on seeing Earth from space and seeing our connection to one another.
A Pilgrim in Aquarius Celebrates the New Age as a community of imagination where everyday spirituality, co-creativity, and world-building go hand in hand.
Every Day Hospitality Thea Jarvis on how hospitality allows us to function with grace and dignity.
Harm Not the Earth Megan McKenna on building community locally and globally.
Cosmopolitanism Kwame Anthony Appiah on cosmopolitanism's emphasis on both difference and universality.
Money Makes The World Go Around Makes the dynamics of the global economy accessible to those of us who are similarly untrained in such complex financial matters.
Imagine All the People Explores spiritual practices that can heal the world.
The World Café Organizational and business leaders from around the world are addressing problems through the process of collaborative dialogue and meaning-making that relies on collective wisdom.